Before you enter into a loan agreement, you should obtain sound legal advice from lawyers who understand what is at stake.

The business team at Cassady Law LLP regularly acts for banks, credit unions and private lenders on a broad range of commercial lending transactions. Leveraging this experience, we can advise you about whether there is room for negotiation before you sign. We can also provide clear explanations of what are often complex terms and conditions so you can make the best choice for yourself and your business.

Having acted for many borrowers and lenders, we understand loan agreements from both sides of the table. Such experience comes with valuable insight and gives you a competitive advantage in formulating effective strategies and negotiating favourable terms.

The business lawyers at Cassady Law LLP regularly advise and assist clients with all issues regarding small business loans, through to complex multi-million dollar construction loan agreements. Our lawyers are experienced with land and personal property security documentation, priority issues, security requirements, and the terms and conditions of commitment letters and loan agreements. We help our clients deal with demands from lawyers for all types of lenders and borrowers.

Whether you are signing a simple loan contract or entering into a series of complex financing agreements, Cassady Law LLP can help you to move forward with your eyes open to the potential pitfalls and the benefits of a proposed agreement.
